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Measuring Our Impact: A Look at 2023/24

In early 2024, HOST International and head office in Australia entered into voluntary administration. Over the following months, we concentrated on strengthening our local operations in Aotearoa New Zealand as our own independent charitable organisation.

This is our first 'stand-alone' annual report, reflecting on our activities in the 2023-2024 financial year.

Community inclusion

We were delighted to welcome the first sponsored refugees in the Community Refugee Sponsorship programme to Aotearoa New Zealand.

HOST's Annual Report highlights the success of the Community Refugee Sponsorship programme, detailing diverse sponsor groups, extensive training sessions, and regular check-ins. The initiative facilitated 10 training sessions for 199 participants and fostered a community of practice between sponsor groups to ensure a positive settlement experience for sponsored refugees.
HOST's Annual Report highlights the success of the Community Refugee Sponsorship programme, detailing diverse sponsor groups, extensive training sessions, and regular check-ins. The initiative facilitated 10 training sessions for 199 participants and fostered a community of practice between sponsor groups to ensure a positive settlement experience for sponsored refugees.

Many of the sponsored refugees have started settling into their local communities, as highlighted by the following quote shared by one of the sponsored refugees:

"I have learned to love the local food, like fish and chips and pavlova. I made friends with colleagues and neighbours, and we shared stories and laughter over barbecues and dinners. I have embraced the Kiwi culture, valuing adventure, equality, and kindness.
As I look to the future, I am filled with optimism. My dreams include pursuing a career in my field, contributing to the community through volunteering, and exploring entrepreneurial opportunities.
To fellow refugees and migrants, I offer these words of encouragement: stay resilient, embrace new opportunities, cultivate gratitude, and connect with your community."

Sponsored refugee, CORS programme

We also continued providing some employment support to former refugees, and were happy to hear about the difference we can make, however small it may be.

"(...) much respect and appreciation that your organization helped me a lot providing Intern opportunities. Following the internship, I applied for a fixed term employment position (...). Since 5 months I am working in this role. This is going to be a great opportunity and experience for me (...)."

Refugee background jobseeker on his internship experience

Civic participation

Screenshots from General Election 2023 videos
Screenshots from General Election 2023 videos

HOST partnered with the ChangeMakers Resettlement Forum, with backing from the Electoral Commission and Belong Aotearoa, to produce videos in multiple languages for the 2023 General Election. These videos depict community members' initial voting experiences in Aotearoa New Zealand and were intended to motivate others to participate in the election.

"(...) incredible show of community, manaakitanga (caring) and dedication that many organisations like yourselves brought to this year’s 2023 General Election."

Electoral Commission

Working with tangata whenua

Throughout the year, we started developing a bicultural framework for the organisation and continued deepening our tikanga practices. We strengthened relationships with tangata whenua across the motu and and provided coaching and training for Sponsor groups in the Community Refugee Sponsorship programme to assist them in navigating and engaging with tangata whenua, te ao, and mātauranga Māori.

The HOST NZ team
The HOST NZ team

We are proud of what we have achieved and also know that there is still a lot of work to be done to ensure former refugees and migrants in Aotearoa New Zealand are able to fully participate in Aotearoa New Zealand society and lead fulfilling lives in their new home.

For now, we hope you will enjoy reading our report:




HOST International Aotearoa

HOST is a charity that strives to make life better for displaced people and host communities by fostering humanity, hope and dignity.


In Aotearoa New Zealand our focus is on supporting social and economic inclusion for people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. We also work with former refugees to improve leadership capacity and representation.

About Us



Physical Address:

Level 4, 24 Johnston

Street, Wellington

Postal Address:

c/- Office Suites

Wellington Ltd,

PO Box 25480,

Wellington 6104

Pride Flag.png

HOST is committed to creating a safe, inclusive and equitable environment for people from all genders, sexualities, faiths, religions and cultures – for our clients, communities, staff and whānau.

We acknowledge, honour and respect Māori as tangata whenua, people of the land in Aotearoa New Zealand. Our work is guided by the principles of partnership, participation and protection of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.


© HOST International NZ Ltd

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Empowering Former Refugees and Migrants in Aotearoa New Zealand

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